On Wednesday October 2, 2013 the charges for one of five suspects accused of a string of Breaking and or Entering charges in Charlotte had his case dismissed. The CMPD indicated that this was due to an arrest of the wrong person and DNA and surveillance indicating such. This is just another recent example of not only the breaking and or entering crime and its prevalence within the Charlotte area, but also of how mistakes can be made with investigations. This particular case was dismissed in large part to the ongoing efforts of the family, but in many situations (or most situations) that is simply not enough. While we all make mistakes in our jobs, when police officers make mistakes it has a significant impact on peoples lives. That is why having an experienced criminal attorney that handles breaking or entering charges along with other felony and misdemeanors can be so important. In cases like this, the attorney is the aggressive middle man between the defendant and the State. Their job is to help get/find the positive evidence as well as showing that evidence and explaining it to the District Attorney in charge of the case. While police mistakes like this are not the normal arrest scenario, it is important that you have an aggressive criminal defense lawyer fighting for your case, regardless of the facts.
See our page on Breaking – Entering.
The Olsinski Law Firm, PLLC is a Charlotte and Concord North Carolina based law firm. We are a husband and wife team, focused on litigation in Criminal Defense and Personal Injury cases. We pride ourselves in fighting for each and every case and client. If you or anyone you know is in need of legal assistance, call one of our offices; Charlotte Office (704) 405-2580 and in Concord (704) 918-4747.
October 9th, 2013